Sunday, February 15, 2009

Back in business for 2009!

Hello to my readers!

I am back in the saddle for the 2009 America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride, and back to fund-raising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for a third straight year. Glad you've come (back) to my training blog, where I try to find something interesting to say every week, so I can tell everyone out there about our efforts to get in shape and stay positive through the middle of a New England winter for our June 7, 2009 trek around Lake Tahoe.

Best to get started with training week number 1. We used the Boston Sports Club at Watertown, MA. It's a great club, and judging from some of the clientele, you can get into some great shape using this lovely facility. Thanks to their management for allowing us use of their spinning room!

Saturday, Feb. 14: We logged a basic 45-minute routine, complete with sprints and three full climb simulations, which probably wasn't too bad for our new members, but was challenging enough for me in my state of winter indoors-inactivity. (I've kept busy with karate and some elliptical aerobics machines, but nothing like brisk spin classes.)

I'm also serving as a mentor this year, and got to meet with three of my five mentees while we were spinning. Good to see Pat and Joe, already veterans of the Mad River Valley Century Ride from August 2008, as well as meeting new mentee Lindsey, who is a veteran triathlete with TNT.

We are hoping we can get outside for the first time next week. Looks like there may be some heavy weather later this week...keep your fingers crossed!

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